Dr. Dave Gibson

Dr Dave Gibson is a gastroenterologist with a broad range of interests. He investigates and manages patients with all gastrointestinal disorders. His particular interests focus on colon cancer screening and therapeutic luminal endoscopy, including removal of large colonic polyps. He also has expertise in small bowel capsule endoscopy (Pill Cam), Balloon Enteroscopy and dilatation of Crohn’s strictures. He completed gastroenterology training in Dublin, Ireland before moving to Melbourne with his wife and 3 children to undertake a 2 year fellowship in the Alfred in advanced endoscopy. Dave currently holds a public appointment in the Alfred, where he helps to run the endoscopy service. He is activity involved in ongoing research both in the fields of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and detection and treatment of early colon cancer. He has regular endoscopy sessions at Cabrini hospital in both Malvern and Brighton. He consults through both Brighton Gastroenterology Associates and Cabrini Surgical Consulting and Movement Precinct (CSCMP), in Malvern. Dave is happy to consult patients with any gastrointestinal problem, and is happy to discuss any issues with referring practitioners over the phone.