Assoc. Prof. Ammar Majeed

Assoc. Prof. Ammar Majeed is a gastroenterologist with an interest in liver disease and endoscopy. He undertook advanced training in inflammatory bowel disease and liver disease at Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden, and worked there as a hepatologist in the Liver Transplant Centre. During that time, he obtained an additional subspecialty in Coagulation and Bleeding disorders, and finished a PhD in collaboration with McMaster University, Canada. He then completed a two-year post-doctoral position in the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics in Karolinska Institute.
After moving to Australia in 2016, he joined the Gastroenterology Unit at the Alfred Hospital where he now holds a substantial appointment. He continues to be an active researcher in the field of Hepatology. He consults on patients with liver disease as well as other gastrointestinal problems and routinely performs endoscopic procedures, including gastroscopy and colonoscopy. Ammar is happy to discuss any issues with referring practitioners over the phone.