Dr. Bei Ye

Dr Bei Ye is a gastroenterologist with a keen interest in inflammatory bowel disease and functional gastrointestinal disorders. She also has a broad range of expertise in all areas of gastroenterology, including endoscopy, coeliac disease and liver disease. Bei holds a current senior medical specialist appointment at the Alfred Hospital. She graduated from medicine with honors from the University of Melbourne. She passed the specialist physician exams as the top scoring candidate in her hospital. After completing gastroenterology training, she went on to complete a subspecialist inflammatory bowel disease fellowship at Eastern Health. This was followed by a further fellowship in functional gastrointestinal disorders at the Alfred Hospital, where she gained expertise in managing irritable bowel syndrome and a range of other challenging functional gut disorders. She performs gastroscopy, colonoscopy, oesophageal and anorectal manometry. She is also a fluent speaker of Mandarin and Cantonese.